Will undoubtedly be an incentive for the customer when purchasing the company's product or service. higher effort Another of the objectives of gamification is to help employees to make an effort to overcome adversities or complicated processes that they may encounter in their day to day. more concentration Thanks to gamification, you will be able to phone number list the professional development and growth of your employees, since it helps capture attention and retain knowledge. Personal growth Gamification in the company manages to instill in employees the concern of striving to improve day by day to learn from new skills and aptitudes to overcoming the fear of trying new things that they have never done before. Gamification in companies is becoming phone number list popular, and is highly recommended, to ensure the smooth running of the company.
Have you considered the possibility of introducing gamification in your business?No one doubts that Pokémon Go has marked a before and after in the mobile era and more specifically in mobile marketing. A game that has achieved unprecedented phone number list in downloads and an impact on the media in a matter of a few days. It even exceeds the phone number list number of app downloads on Twitter and the term "Pokémon Go" itself is more searched on Google than "porn", the undisputed king so far, in number of searches. Pokemon Go and the future of Gamification The key to success has been mixing virtual reality, through mobile cameras, with a game that uses the real-life phone number list to hunt Pokémon.
These little monsters are randomly scattered all over the world, as if it were the original game for Nintendo's Game Boy, the only difference is that it is necessary for us to constantly move and go out into the street in search of these creatures, something phone number list It did not happen with the offline game with which we could get hold of everyone from our own living room. The success associated with this free application, which anyone can download from the Apple Store or Google Play, is given by figures such as the fact that it has already surpassed Twitter's own network in terms of active users, or that users spend an average of 43 minutes a day playing the app . Some developers even claim that more than 200 markets joined the AR technology craze in a very short time.